We present a high-quality speleothem δ18O record from the Shandong Peninsula, covering the global warming period.
The trend of the enriched speleothem δ18O in global warming period mainly reflects dynamic facet of Asian summer monsoon.
Decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in global warming period may play a crucial role in the ASM weakening.
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Conceptual diagram depicting the climatic connections between ASM and AMOC, and the location of caves are shown in the topographic map
Comparison of the speleothem δ18O records (same presented in Fig 1) from monsoonal China spanning the last ~200 years (A-J)
Results of the MCEOF and PCA analyses applied to timeseries of speleothem δ18O records from China, including QJ1 (this study)
Comparison between the GW trend, speleothem records and AMOC variations over the past and future centuries
Linear trends (°C decade-1) in the ASM domains from 1901 to 2010 during the annual (A) and summer months (JJAS)(B)
Anomalous column-integrated water-vapor fluxes regressed with the QJ1 δ18O records (A, C) and PC1 (B, D)