A total of 65 macrofauna were found at the Haima seep, and 35 of them appear endemic to this area.
Sediment-rich vents are in intermediate habitats between seeps and hard-substrate vents.
Seep communities in the South China Sea and the North Indian Ocean are closely related.
The rich and endemic biodiversity at Haima calls for conservation measures.
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The distributions of vents and seeps in Indo-West Pacific and their biological community structures
A photo plate showing the dominant macrofauna at the Haima seep
A maximum likelihood phylogeny of Vesicomyidae based on partial COI gene
A time-calibrated phylogeny showing the estimated divergent time among bathymodioline species
Stable isotope compositions (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) of 23 macrofauna taxa collected from the Haima seep