This overview summarizes the main findings from the new lunar soil samples collected by the Chang’e-5 mission.
The soil is mature, which contains basalt and mineral fragments, impact melt breccia, agglutinates, and glasses.
Analysis of basalt fragments reveals that the Moon was still volcanically active two billion years ago.
The soil, dominated by local materials, provides a unique example to study meteorite impact and solar wind irradiation.
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The CE-5 landing site and scooped sampling on the Moon
Photos, spectra, and physical properties of the CE-5 soil
Microscope photos and Back-scatter electron (BSE) images of the particles in the CE-5 soil
Mineral and whole-rock chemistry of the CE-5 basalt fragments
Age of the CE-5 basalt and calibration of the lunar crater chronology model
Interpretive diagram showing the geochemical characteristics of the CE-5 basalt and its origin.
Textures, chemical compositions and ages of the CE-5 impact glasses
The provenance of the CE-5 soil
Conceptual diagrams depicting the space weathering processes, effects, and products observed at the CE-5 landing site (defined by refs.37–43,116–119)